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Fashion & Flat Whites: Meet Five of Our New Zealand Contributors!

Today we’re chatting to five of our incredible Mys Tyler Contributors who are based in Auckland, New Zealand to see what they love about the Mys Tyler app and to hear about their fashion tips and tricks.

Meet Melissa Bult-Burns, Evie Kemp, Liza Cosme, Jess Raffills and Amelia de Pont. If you haven’t already, follow their Mys Tyler accounts to see and shop all of their incredible looks!

Melissa Bult-Burns

Melissa looking fabulous in this classic, relaxed suit.

Melissa’s Mys Tyler’s feed is bold and playful with pops of colour. Melissa is a 44-year-old mum and Life and Style Coach who has always been obsessed with fashion. She describes her style as classic creative with quite a bit of tailoring and a dash of edgy. 

Shopping Tip:

Melissa does the majority of her shopping online as she prefers trying things on in her own home so she can mix and match items with things she already has. Her rule is that every new item needs to go with at least 5 items she has in her wardrobe already. We love this hack and think it’s a very clever way to ensure nothing gets left with tags on in the back of the wardrobe!

Favourite NZ labels:

“Sweepstake Winners, Stolen Girlfriends Club, for shoes Mi Paci and for tailored suits Dorset Suits.”

Why Melissa loves Mys Tyler:

“The sharing of fashion inspiration from women from all over the world in a way that ALL women can relate to. It's a great platform for encouraging confidence and body positive values. 

It can be so easy to spend time comparing yourself to other women, especially on heavily filtered and edited platforms and it just creates self-doubt and anxiety. A platform that promotes body confidence, acceptance and is based on real world everyday style is so much healthier.  It is nice to be able to share and connect with similar body types to share outfit inspiration as well as admiring women of all shapes and sizes.” 

Evie Kemp

Evie’s wardrobe reflects her artistic side, as seen above in these statement wide-leg pants that she made herself!

Evie is an artist and designer based in Auckland, Tamaki Makarau. She possesses a knack for pattern and colour clashing and we just can’t help but smile when we look at her Mys Tyler profile!

Evie has recently done a new print for NZ brand Maaike which we are absolutely loving! Maaike make beautiful NZ made clothing. If you check out Evie’s Mys Tyler page, you'll see her in a lot of their pieces.

Wardrobe Staple:

Evie’s wardrobe staples are wide leg pants, coloured ankle boots and pussy bow blouses!

Winter fashion tips:

“Winterising” summer dresses by layering them up with turtlenecks, a cute knit tucked into a belt and pair of boots for winter.  

Why Evie loves Mys Tyler:

“I love being able to find new clothing brands and styles that will fit and suit my body by seeing them on other bodies that look like mine. I also love being inspired by the different ways people wear things and how it makes me think differently about pieces I already have in my closet. 

Diversity in bodies, age (this is a big one too!), race and disabilities is so important to me, not only to widen my own scope of inspiration and understanding but selfishly to remind myself that I'm just one person and I can wear what I want!” 

Liza Cosme

Liza wearing a timeless, sophisticated Aje dress paired with classy designer accessories.

Liza is a big believer that when you look good, you feel good –  and we have to agree! Our research shows that 89% of women feel more confident in their bodies when they like what they’re wearing! Originally from the Philippines, New Zealand has been home to Liza for the past 28 years. We love Liza’s classic and beautiful style.

Style tip:

Whether she’s dressing up or down, Liza’s style always blends classy with pops of fun. To create the fun element, Liza experiments with different accessories, colour and shape.

Favourite brands:

“I love Aje because a lot of their styles fit my style philosophy of ‘fun and classy’”

Why Liza loves Mys Tyler:

“I love the inclusivity. No matter what your size, colour, height there will always be someone that you'll be able to relate to. I love seeing clothes on similar bodies like me, which gives me an idea on how clothing would look on me.”

Jess Raffills

Jess looking cool and casual with a hint of edgy in her Vogue tee, black jeans, and Anine Bing blazer, with some elevated accessories!

Jess is a 40-year-old lover of conscious fashion based North of Auckland. She runs a sustainable styling business called the Finder's Life which aims to upskill women on all things fashion with a sustainable twist. 

Style tip:

Fashion should be fun and experimentation is key. “You don't know if you love something until you try! There are lots of trends that we are seeing everywhere BUT - this shouldn't be a reason to wear something. Feeling great in it should be your determining factor.”

Shopping tip:

“I much prefer pre-loved shopping than shopping in-store! So much more variety - you get to express your personality through the eclectic pieces you find and obviously, it's far more economical!”

Why Jess loves Mys Tyler:

“Seeing specific outfits that work for women of a similar age, shape and style! It's brilliant! I love seeing how other women pull things together and experiment. I find it inspiring!

I think the biggest factor which makes Mys Tyler great is the fact that it removes a lot of confusion for women when they actually see a representation of how different styles look on someone similar to them. This is gold! Linking the pieces also means it's easy to find those pieces rather than purchasing things that aren't quite right. At the end of the day, this reduces consumption of clothing that often ends up unworn and eventually in landfill!” 

Amelia de Pont

Amelia is as sweet as candy in this stunning, stripe wrap-dress paired with beautiful pink heels.

Amelia is a lifelong fashion-lover. She is an ASI certified fashion stylist with a serious passion for affordable and versatile fashion. Amelia completed her Certificate in Styling with the Australian Style Institute during Auckland’s first lockdown and since then, her love for fashion and exploring style has only grown.

Amelia describes her style as unique, bold, often bright, sometimes sparkly and always feminine.  

Fashion tip:

Shop what feels good for you, you don’t have to follow the trends!

Shopping tip:

For a more affordable and eco-conscious shopping experience, look into second-hand options.

Why Amelia loves Mys Tyler:

“I love the inclusivity, the supportive community, the relatable fashion inspiration right at your fingertips and the opportunities I’ve been given to collaborate with brands I was not aware of before Mys Tyler. 

For years women have been subject to seeing one kind of body shape modelling the clothes we want to buy and many women are left feeling insecure and wondering why that outfit doesn’t look the same on them. We all have different body shapes and that’s what makes us special, we deserve to wear clothes that make us feel like ourselves and feel good being ourselves. Slowly we are seeing more and more models of different shapes in sizes being featured on runways and online shopping sites but we have a long way to go and Mys Tyler is a great step forward.”

Meet more of our incredible Contributors here.