Fashion & Flat Whites: Julie Gardner

Julie looking cool, classic, and comfortable in a triple denim outfit! Bring on the denim!

How would you describe your style?

The best way to describe the style I strive for would be "effortlessly chic" and/or  "cool, classic, and edgy." I don’t ever want to look like I tried too hard, but always want to show that I put some thought into it.

How long have you been interested in fashion, and what inspired your interest? 

I began to take a really noticeable interest in my early forties. Before that, I would buy something if it was a really good deal and my fashion sense was a hodgepodge of looks. It took me several years to actually figure out my own personal aesthetic. I just purchased aimlessly with no real thought. ‘How will I wear it? Is it practical? Will it suit me? Does it express who I am?’ Don’t buy something just because its super cute and on clearance!

Can you tell us about your journey to body confidence?

For me, it was never about body confidence, but just confidence in myself as a person. Figuring out my sense of style certainly helped me gain a better sense of self, more faith in myself. I tended to be that person who worried too much, My friend would say the devil was on one shoulder saying, "DO IT" and Julie Potter (me) was on the other shoulder saying "Don’t do it! We’re going to get in trouble," so bravery was not my strong suit. 

What's your profession, and how does what you wear impact your profession?

I work as a Museum Associate at the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum just outside of DC. I LOVE my job so much and have only been at it about 10 months. It's the perfect place for me to show off my fashion sense, and my company allows us to wear jeans so it gives me lots of leeway. I can wear a blazer to polish up any outfit and if I’m giving a scheduled tour to a group, then I may kick it up a notch. If I want to wear a shirt that has an unusual pattern or some really wide leg, flowy pants, I just say I'm dressing "museumy" today. I always strive to represent the museum with tasteful style and confidence. 

How did you find out about Mys Tyler?

When I moved to the area about 6 years ago from Florida, I ended up following a Contributor named Andi Marrs (@andimarrs). I met her quite briefly when I worked at Loft when she was taking part in an event. I am positive she doesn’t remember. I loved her style and saw pictures on her feed that were taken with a group known as "MYS TYLER." The pics were done in NYC and I thought it was really a cool concept. So it was her Instagram feed, and she doesn’t even know it! I still follow her. 

How has using Mys Tyler impacted you?

Mys Tyler has really helped boost my confidence and self-image. I realize Mys Tyler originated with the goal of promoting body positivity for all shapes and sizes, and to hopefully inspire the fashion world to take note. Not just encourage women, and a few men too, but to also CELEBRATE them. Personally, Mys Tyler has motivated me to embrace aging and try to be the BEST STYLE ME that I can be at any age. Ageism is a real issue in society, especially for women. You feel unseen and undervalued. It doesn’t have to be that way! As you get older, becoming more self aware of what makes you feel good and looking your best is a big part of navigating this different stage in life. Mys Tyler has done so much for me by always being encouraging and showing me appreciation. I feel so valued and inspired!! It is really something special AND I have virtually met many women!

Mys Tyler has motivated me to embrace aging and try to be the BEST STYLE ME that I can be at any age. Ageism is a real issue in society, especially for women. You feel unseen and undervalued. It doesn’t have to be that way! As you get older, becoming more self aware of what makes you feel good and looking your best is a big part of navigating this different stage in life. Mys Tyler has done so much for me by always being encouraging and showing me appreciation. I feel so valued and inspired!
— Julie, on the impact of using Mys Tyler

Julie channeling a mixture of preppy and edgy for a great OOTD!

What's your favorite fashion hack? 

I've really come to embrace the French Tuck or a Half Tuck. If a shirt is too big, I will tuck each side of the shirt into my waistband. When I wear a ball cap, it’s not for fashion. Usually my hair looks terrible or is extra dirty. I almost always wrap a sweatshirt around my waist if I have on leggings. Again, not for fashion purposes. I’ve been known to drape a sweater over my blouse if I have a stain on my shirt. Do these count?

What's the perfect formula for a feel-good outfit? What goes into an outfit that makes you feel good/ brightens your day?

I'll start by saying comfort. If I don’t feel comfortable, then it probably shows and affects the way I carry myself. I’m not big on summer looks. I’m tired of it after growing up a beachy girl. I love Fall and Winter dressing. To me, it is so much more stylish and it just suits me better. An exception would be wide-leg linen pants and oversized linen tops in the hot weather, because that looks very chic. 

My go-to look:

  • Turtleneck or mock turtleneck with similar color pants, wide or straight leg

  • An interesting patterned jacket or solid khaki trench coat

  • Dark ankle boots

  • I love a beanie on a bad hair day

  • Big, black tote

  • Minimal jewelry

I’ve learned that white sneakers are stylish all year round (weather permitting) and a long, trench coat makes any look waaaaay better! This year I am going to try Monochromatic Suiting and Wide Leg Pants! Minimal Chic!

What do you hope the future of fashion will look like?

I think we will see extra bold and exaggerated structure. Minimalist looks will be more prevalent due to the message of sustainability. Different materials will go into producing fashion, but manage to stay very high-end looking. Hopefully, people will be buying less and really wearing the clothes that they have. 

If you could tell your younger self anything, what would you say?

Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple. Be bold here and there. Work on finding your style now and it will save you money. Buy better pieces and be minimal!

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I would like to say thank you so much Mys Tyler! You have really been so kind and the app inspires me everyday. You always make me feel special and inspired.

Hopefully, people will be buying less and really wearing the clothes that they have. 
— Julie, on her hopes for the future of fashion

Julie is one of Mys Tyler’s Contributors, inspiring women across the world with her cool, chic style. You can follow Julie on Mys Tyler to be inspired below!


How to Dress for Spring Transition by Jackie Condura