Fashion & Flat Whites: Simoné Olivier
How would you describe your style?
I would describe my style as feminine, preppy and sometimes a little more laid back. A lot of people say, “fashion over function,” and I do agree that sometimes, if the scene fits the occasion (using the MET Gala as reference) then sure. I do however believe that feeling comfortable in what you wear is important for your self-confidence.
How long have you been interested in fashion, and what inspired your interest?
Growing up I had absolutely no fashion sense. I didn’t know how to match colours and patterns, and I also didn’t have the confidence to try new things. I’d say I started getting more interested in what I wear during my college years and when I started working full-time after college.
Can you tell us about your journey to body confidence?
My journey had a lot to do with lifestyle changes. When I was 16, I started going to the gym (before that I was a total couch potato) and that really boosted my self-confidence and body-confidence. I feel most confident and secure with my body when I am eating whole and healthy foods and follow an active lifestyle.
What's your profession, and how does what you wear impact your profession?
I’m a Personal Assistant in the Finance industry. Most of the time I’m behind my desk and don’t interact with clients face-to-face every day. I’m privileged enough to work in a corporate office that doesn’t restrict us to formal wear. I dress appropriately and comfortably, but often receive compliments when I throw on a suit and heels.
How did you find out about Mys Tyler?
I was looking through Instagram stories and discovered Sarah Neill. I started following her and created an account on the app and I haven’t looked back since. Mys Tyler is one of my favourites and most used apps.
How has using Mys Tyler impacted you?
Mys Tyler has motivated me to explore more of my personal style. What I also love about Mys Tyler is that I get to see other women experiment and rocking their own styles and I draw inspiration from every single one of them. I think it’s very important to highlight how inclusive Mys Tyler is to women of different ages and body types.
What’s your favorite fashion hack?
Most outfits can be rounded off very well with a red lipstick. A red lipstick is my signature look. I’m not one for lots of jewelry, so I feel that the red lipstick frames my face and gives the outfit that little “cherry on top.” Pair that with a set of earrings and you’re good to go!
What's the perfect formula for a feel-good outfit? What goes into an outfit that makes you feel good/ brightens your day?
The most self-empowering thing I can do for myself every day is to put on an outfit that makes me feel good about myself. Looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself that you look great and that you will own this day, especially on the hard days, makes any outfit a great outfit. People can easily see what you’re going through – but an outfit you feel good and comfortable in can hide some personal issues that you don’t necessarily want to involve other people in. Just tell yourself you look good and own it. That’s all there is to it for me.
What do you hope the future of fashion will look like?
Even though fashion has become more inclusive for different body types, I hope that there will be a lot more progress over the years to come. Every guy and girl deserves to feel as beautiful and extraordinary as they are.
“Mys Tyler has motivated me to explore more of my personal style.”
If you could tell your younger self anything, what would you say?
I would tell myself not to worry so much about what other people might think of me. At the end of the day, every person has their own insecurities and confidence issues they have to deal with.
I would also give myself some fashion tips, because looking at some of my old pictures make me anxious! But we live and we learn.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Just be. Just be yourself. Just be comfortable. Just be as confident and amazing as you are. The truth is that you can wear expensive accessories and clothes and still feel like you don’t look good and still feel insecure. It’s not just the clothes and accessories that makes an outfit, it’s the beautiful person behind it more than anything else.
Simoné is one of Mys Tyler’s Contributors, inspiring women across the world with her feminine, comfortable, and laid-back style. You can follow Simoné on Mys Tyler to be inspired below!